Cleaning your dental implant the right way is very important for maintaining it and your oral health, as well as ensuring a more beautiful smile. After undergoing treatment with implants, the way in which oral hygiene is carried out needs some adjustments. In addition to brushing your teeth well, you need to know how to clean dental implants the right way.
Even though it is an artificial piece, we need to pay attention to it, as carelessness can lead to illnesses and oral problems. As there are different types of dental implants, the way this cleaning is done varies a little.
Why clean the implant well?
Some people think that because implants are not natural teeth that nothing bad will happen to them, but this is not true. Dental implants also accumulate food residue and proliferate bacteria, so if we don't clean them correctly, several problems can occur.
The first point is that we reduce the durability of the prosthesis due to the accumulation of dirt. Also, there is no point in brushing your teeth well if the implant is dirty because the bacteria that grow there will come into contact with the natural teeth and gums, causing cavities, inflammation and infections. And that's not to mention bad breath. The food remains are decomposing in the mouth and begin to give off a bad smell. So, dental implant cleaning needs to be done well because it is part of its maintenance and guarantees the health of your mouth.
What are the best practices for each type of prosthesis?
dental implant cleaning how to do it
There is not just one type of prosthesis. Therefore, when we clean a dental implant, we must consider how the treatment was carried out to adapt the techniques, guaranteeing better results.
Permanent Dentures
The permanent denture is one that replaces all teeth at once. It looks like dentures, but the difference is that it is attached to the implant. There is no way to remove it at home, only the dentist can remove the piece in the office, using special instruments. So, to clean dental implants like this on a daily basis, you need to brush as usual. Use a brush with soft bristles to avoid friction on the material. The interdental brush is very interesting because it helps to clean some corners.
There are some pieces of equipment called water picks. They emit jets of water with pressure that help to clean areas that the brush cannot reach. It removes waste and even saliva that accumulates there. They are very valid for this type of prosthesis.
We also need to floss our teeth. There are some very practical options, such as the thread that has one of the stiffest ends to facilitate insertion. In the middle of it there is a part that looks like a sponge. It is wider and fluffier, increasing the contact area and cleaning well.
Single Implant
A single implant is a dental implant that replaces just one tooth. There's no secret to cleaning it because you just need to brush your teeth as usual. It is worth remembering the importance of using a soft brush and a non-abrasive toothpaste, preferably with a neutral formula containing fluoride. Use dental floss on this implant as well. It's worth choosing the one we mentioned, which has a spongier part, because it will hug the entire piece and fit into some corners that are more difficult to clean with regular thread.
What should be avoided?
Good dental implant cleaning is essential to protect the health of your mouth and ensure the longevity of the treatment. But there are other precautions you need to take to achieve better results.
Refrain from smoking
Tobacco is a big villain in this story because it causes several problems, such as:
- Leaves the prosthesis yellow and causes stains;
- disrupts blood circulation;
- reduces mouth immunity;
- increases the chances of inflammation and infection.
Not to mention that tobacco is one of the main causes of mouth cancer and greatly impairs the healing of implants. So it's better to stay away from smoking and other tobacco products.
Avoid opening objects with your teeth
It is true that our teeth and dentures, are very strong, but they are not unbreakable. Using your teeth to open objects or bite into hard things, such as pen caps, causes wear, fractures, and cracks. For dental implants, this creates an overload on the base, compromising support.
Make regular visits to the dentist
The dentist applies some dental implant cleaning techniques that only he can do, with his special instruments and products. These are measures that will complement the care you have at home; Therefore, regular consultations are essential.
Pay attention to hygiene
Yes, we have already talked about hygiene, but we need to reinforce that all the instructions we leave must be followed every day. The care with dental implant brushing is not once a week or once a month, it is every day. After all, we are always eating something and the waste remains there, accumulating and proliferating bacteria.