How Long Do Porcelain Veneers Last?

If you want your smile to sparkle and traditional teeth-whitening methods don’t work, or if you have chipped, cracked, or gapped teeth and want them to appear flawless, porcelain veneers in bismarck nd could be a great solution. Porcelain veneers are ultra-thin, tailor-made layers of custom-colored porcelain that are bonded to the surfaces of the teeth, where they conceal imperfections with lustrous, lifelike camouflage. Porcelain veneers can last about 10 to 15 years, but the longevity of porcelain veneers depends in large part on how well they’re maintained. Porcelain is a highly durable material, but it can be damaged and requires conscientious care.


In order to place porcelain veneers, your dentist will first adjust the enamel on the tooth that is to be corrected, removing any decay and creating an accessible surface for the veneer. This means that porcelain veneers are considered a permanent treatment, since the surface of the tooth requires the protective layer provided by the veneer in the absence of sufficient enamel. Without removing the enamel, however, the veneers would protrude too far forward in the gum line and look artificial and awkward, so this preparation of the tooth is necessary for a positive aesthetic outcome. The treatment is permanent, but the porcelain veneers will need to be replaced when necessary and are not permanent.


Just as you wouldn’t use your teeth to open bottles or packages, don’t use your veneers as anything other than teeth, and avoid biting into very hard food or ice with the veneers to keep the porcelain from breaking. While porcelain is considerably stain-resistant, it can still stain, so consume deeply colored food and drinks like black coffee, red wine, and blueberries in moderation if at all. With proper oral hygiene, which includes regular visits to the dentist for professional cleanings and dental checkups, porcelain veneers can last several years. Sometimes, gum disease can lurk undetected and can only be diagnosed by a dentist, so regular visits to the dentist are an essential part of prolonging the life of porcelain veneers.


It’s important to remember that porcelain veneers are bonded to the surfaces of the teeth, which means that the integrity of the teeth is what makes the veneers work. If you don’t maintain the health of the teeth that support the veneers, as well as the gum tissue and the rest of the oral cavity, and gum disease or tooth decay develop, your veneers won’t hide the damage that occurs. If you habitually clench or grind your teeth, ask your dentist for a mouthguard to wear while sleeping so you don’t harm your veneers, and if you play contact sports or otherwise engage in aggressive activity, wear a mouthguard so your veneers don’t crack or chip from impact. Porcelain veneers tend to cost more than other veneers, and they should be considered an investment in the allure of your smile. If you think you can maintain the habits and choices that contribute to the longevity of porcelain veneers and you want to restore the beauty of your smile, ask your dentist about your options. You might be closer to a brighter, neater smile than you think.


How Much Do Porcelain Veneers Cost?